How To Make Hair Time Fun For Kids


For many of us, hair-styling sessions are our time to unwind and squash the week’s pressures and annoyances. Children tend to have a different outlook. They often view hair grooming as a never-ending torture session (having to comb and brush their hair, water getting in their eyes, etc.). In apprehension of the “impending doom,” they may cry, scream, or hide in closets and under beds, and do whatever else to avoid getting their hair done. If this description even remotely describes hair day with your little one, read on for tips to keep the smiles all abound.

  1. Keep your children occupied and entertained throughout the process. Let them watch their favorite show or movie while you are styling or detangling their hair. Put on their favorite songs while you wash and condition their hair to keep them happy.

  2. Make the grooming session as pain-free as possible. Use seamless combs, quality detangling brushes, and heavy-duty detanglers to eliminate detangling aches. If time allows, try finger detangling.

  3. Don’t begin to groom your child’s hair just before nap or feeding times. Children are very routine-oriented. Later sleep and meal times may induce crankiness, which will result in longer styling sessions.

  4. Take breaks. Small children get restless when they have to sit in one spot for a long time. Periodic breaks will help to reduce crankiness.

  5. Get your children involved. Let your children help to select their grooming products. Allowing children to help pick their hair products may help them to view wash day with less angst and more favor.

Here’s hoping your baby’s upcoming wash day is filled with sunshine and smiles!


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